
Random update

Has it been a month already? ahh... life goes by too quickly. Well this isn't going to be a real exciting post or long at all but I thought I would stop in and say hi. Right now our life is crazy. I went to Caldwell for 10 days and just got back a week ago. I guess you could say that I've just been trying to put all the pieces back togehter of everyday life since we've been gone. I'll post the pics soon. Payden is working from 6:30am to 8pm everyday right now except the weekends and last friday he didn't get home until 12:30 at night. During the day until 3pm he works at a really expensive golf course in Victor Idaho by Driggs as sort of a caddy. He mostly parks vehicles and carries bags for golfers and stock them with water bottles and washes the golf carts down daily. He is making a good wage there and also gets to split tips evenly each day with his fellow workers so thats awesome! After the golf course he goes straight to coaching High School Football at Teton High. Hence the getting home so late on Friday nights because of the football games. He really loves coaching and being able to teach and work with the kids. I'm so proud of him and I'm thrilled that he can get paid for something he loves so much, even though his schedule is hard on me and the kids sometimes, it's worth it. So after saying that you would think I would have all the time in the world to blog... haha. Yea.... So have you ever come to the realization that the more free time you have the less you get done cause you just think that you have all this time to do it in and then all of a sudden the time is gone and you have done nothing with your day? K, so that's my life. Pretty much every day. I wouldn't say 100% of my days because I do get around to cleaning my house and cooking a decent emal every now and then but I fall into that category a lot. Plus with taking care of two kids all day every day by myself is pretty exhausting and when I have a minute the last thing I want to do is to have to sit and think and type up a blog post, select pictures and try to seem like my life and my post is all put together the way it should be. haha. Sad to say but there are some days that Payden doesn't even see Braylie because he leaves before she wakes up and is home late after she is already to bed. That make an exhausting day for me. And even days when she does get to see him, its like for a half hour or an hour max and she's so excited that he's home and just loves playing with him, that she has been having a hard time going to bed. She just wants to stay up and play with Daddy. Makes sense Braylie. Mommy's with ya, I need some time with daddy too after a long day with just the kids and I'm only willing to extend your bedtime an hour at the most. Sorry little miss. So that's pretty much what is going on with us. I've been watching movies and playing with the kids and the other day I crocheted an adorable hat for Braylie for this winter! I LOVE how it turned out!!! Traetyn will turn 4 months old on the 13th (CRAZY!!!) and he will be getting to try rice cereal and oatmeal for the first time!!! I'm WAY excited! He loves to eat which is such a difference from Braylie so I'm just hoping he goes to town with it and gobbles it all up! :) I've made promises in the past that I have not kept about posting soon and more often so for now I'll just say, I hope to be back and make a real post later this week with an actual purpose and pictures involved.

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